After being discharged from the U.S. Army, Jermaine Holloway found himself with nowhere to go. It wasn’t until he arrived at the Detroit
Veterans Housing Program (DVHP) that he found comfort and support.
Jermaine is a U.S. Army veteran and “single soldier dad” to four boys.Being a single father of four presented Jermaine with childcare challenges, so he was discharged from the Army to take care of his children. Following his discharge, the Highland Park native leaned on family to help with his children as their mother was no longer in their lives due to substance abuse concerns. He worked construction in Las Vegas and Reno to try to provide for his family but struggled to gain stability. Jermaine became homeless living on the couches of friends and even sleeping on benches, in cars and outside. This went on, off and on, for almost two decades.
After many years of struggling to get on his feet, the dream of a steady job and a warm house to call home seemed impossible. Many people that Jermaine met on the street said it sounded too good to be true. Jermaine learned about Volunteers of America Michigan (VOAMI) and moved into DVHP in 2019.
When he first entered the program, Jermaine was quiet and withdrawn; he thought the program would be like all the others he’d tried without success. Over the course of 4-5 years, Jermaine’s commitment to the program waivered until, finally, he decided to truly commit. Jermaine began to utilize all the services Detroit Veterans Housing Program had to offer. He participated in case management, received food resources, and even connected with, and enrolled in, a college program at the Detroit School for Digital Technology. Jermaine knew he was on the right track. “Mr. Holloway is an example of how it can be done if you keep your head up and stay faithful,” said Destiny Mitchell, one of VOAMI’s service coordinators who worked with Jermaine.
Jermaine says of VOAMI, “If you go there (VOAMI) it will be a positive step in the right direction. If your life has been a challenge, they will help you get on your feet.” Today Jermaine lives in a beautiful home and has renewed energy. He spends time on his enclosed porch watching the park across the street and has put a garden in his backyard, something he says he always wanted. Since securing his home, Jermaine has started a podcast to help inspire fellow veterans. “As an Army veteran, you look forward to finding a place to call your own. At VOA(MI), I was able to find it,” Jermaine says. “I found my purpose, my confidence and my home.”
Through the Detroit Veterans Housing Program, Jermaine regained his independence. He has improved relationships with his kids and found camaraderie with those he met in the program. “There’s always someone you can talk to,” he says. “Now, I’m a motivator…I was always running the streets, but once I met VOA, it all changed. I became a person who has a nurturing heart and I like to bring out the best in people.”
Jermaine is incredibly grateful for his experience with Volunteers of America Michigan and the partner organizations that helped him along the way. He wants everyone to know, “It’s been a long, long road, but I feel strong enough to take it. I am living proof that it works.”
Thank YOU for driving change for veterans like Jermaine and helping them find stability and a home!
Jermaine | Veteran | Detroit Veterans Housing Program | Detroit, Michigan